GetBlock, a premium RPC node provider, launches a special offer for new customers (our old friends also can join though!): you can get your first shared RPC node packages with substantial discounts.
GetBlock starts 30% off promo on shared RPC packages
No more time to wait: GetBlock, a provider of RPC nodes for 50+ blockchains, announces an exclusive promo campaign for shared node packages. Every new user can get 30% off on every shared service — this offer is valid for both unlimited and limited subscriptions.
The rules of our promo campaign are simple: here’s what you need to know before joining:
The promo offer is valid for all new users, i.e., new accounts that have never activated a subscription before.
The promo is valid for those on free tariffs.
To grab the 30% discount, you need to activate your paid package within the first seven days of account creation.
Please refer to the full details of the promo campaign on our official website. Once the first package with 30% off expires, standard rates will apply.
I’m already using GetBlock. May I join as well?
For sure, don’t miss an opportunity to inject new life into your RPC node experience with GetBlock. Existing users can claim discounted packages during first phase of promo campaign
Your account shouldn’t have any active subscriptions as promo kicks off.
You can grab discounted packages until Thursday, July 18, 2024.
When it comes to claiming RPC endpoints, the rest of the procedure looks quite similar to working with regular endpoints.
You need to register an account, sign in, top up your deposit, proceed to the dashboard and choose the nodes you want to use.
Maximum cost-efficiency: Save up to 40% with unlimited RPC nodes
Claiming RPC endpoints with promo discount unlocks unmatched opportunities for saving money and resources. When you choose unlimited RPC endpoints (3-, 6-, 9-, 12-month subscriptions), promo discount compounds with “regular” discounts on long subscriptions.
As such, you can claim unlimited RPC nodes with almost 40% as follows:
Regular price (1 month, standard rates): 449 USD
Discounted price (12 months, promo rates): 279 USD
Dear GetBlock fam, the best time is now: come claim your first RPC nodes today.
We think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, isn’t it?
Stay tuned for more updates and promo activities!
Best regards,
GetBlock team